Alliance Environmental Services

Environmental Cleaning Services
Alliance Environmental Services, Inc. provides comprehensive environmental, industrial and emergency response services to respond to the needs of federal, state, and municipal governments. For over 22 years, we have met environmental challenges for large metropolitan municipalities, rural locations, education facilities, and extensive military installations. We understand the regulatory, operating and cost management complexities and challenges faced by governmental agencies and public officials.
Environmental Services for Government Entities
We offer flexible turnkey project services, emergency response (24 hour on-call), and supplemental support services on an as needed basis. We are your sole source, — start to finish — for a full range of services from demolitions and tank services to asbestos, mold and pest dropping remediation to hazardous waste clean up.
Our clients include federal, state, county, city and municipal government agencies; educational institutions; and outsourced government contractors:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services; Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Department of Transportation; Department of General Services, California; California Department of Forestry and Fire; California State University Chico; and many other agencies and institutions rely on us for safe, cost-effective solutions that comply to the highest degree of government standards.
Some of our services:
Illicit drug lab assessment, testing and removal
Mold abatement consulting, testing, removal, and remediation
Disaster recovery
Demolition services
Tank services
Soil, sludge and water remediation
Spill and release containment and site cleanup
Crime scene cleanup and testing
Bat, rodent, bird, and other pest feces and urine damage cleanup
Asbestos abatement consulting, testing, removal, and remediation. Certified Asbestos Contractor.
DOSH #1090